Names, birthdays, and street addresses may be easy to remember but they’re also easily found online and should always be avoided in passwords to ensure the greatest strength.
The danger with reusing passwords is that as soon as one site has a security issue, it‘s very easy for hackers to try the same username and password combination on other websites. The passwords you generate are never sent across the web. This password generator tool runs locally on your Windows, Mac or Linux computer, as well as your iOS or Android device. Making your passwords different for each website or app also helps defend against hacking. Impossible-to-crack passwords are complex with multiple types of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols). And that’s where the LastPass Password Generator can help. So if you want to safeguard your personal info and assets, creating secure passwords is a big first step. Over 80% of hacking-related breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords, a recent report shows.